Analysis of several water parameters in the Drinking Water Laboratory Iasi
Dancu Treatment Plant, APAVITAL Iasi
Exhibition_Blue interdisciplinary (science, literature, art, mythology)
The importance of water in food
Wetlands and human well-being – interconnected lives
Student impressions:
Student project presentations_Prezentări proiecte elevi:
2. Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Parameters of Water (eng)_Cls_11C
3.Repedea hill_the place where water and subsequently the color blue meet history and geology
4. Influenta pigmentilor(coloranților) asupra dezvoltării plantelo_Cls11C
European blue schools certificate Colegiul National „Mihai Eminescu” Iasi/
“Blue Trails” la Colegiul Național „Mihai Eminescu” din Iași